On the few sunny days you get in England, if you are lucky, there are only a low number of things you can do. You can go to a park. You...

Another academically well-known English town: Cambridge. The lucky students don’t only enjoy the reputation of the many colleges in this...

Here’s another fantastic day trip option from London. Easily step into the glamour of undisturbed Roman baths and Georgian houses in the...

I had never questioned why the British prefer to holiday and retire in sunny and warm countries. A rat-race life in a country with dull...

Can you imagine a place, which is grey, dark, windy and cold in August and still beautiful? Well, I found it and that’s Edinburgh. There...

The Cotswolds and the World Famous Oxford
Now I start the second phase of this blog. The next one will be snippets from my trips that I have recorded through a diary. The first...

POLAND: The Merger of Pain and Hope
Even as a relatively recent member of the European Union, the Polish authorities still look at foreigners with suspicion as if for the...

Malta is a rocky island stuck in between Europe and Africa where green is rare to find. Due to its historical connections with the...