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Dallas & Fort Worth, Texas

07/01/2013, Monday, Dallas, Texas

We arrived in Texas last Friday night, and F. 's first stop was again the emergency room. He was shaking on the plane. L. has diarrhea. She is very uncomfortable. Two sick people in the family again... This time we are staying with Ç. and causing them such discomfort. L. cries a lot, does not eat anything. Quite a difficult situation...

Our first day in Texas was spent visiting F.'s high school friend and a distant non-blood relative. This was when we first saw Texas' s straight, wide and empty land as well as endless roads.

We have seen the street where Kennedy was shot, which is in the city center of Dallas.

Kennedy Dallas

It can be considered as a quite small, typical American town center. We were not able to see many people on the streets.

Fort Worth city center (an hour away from Dallas) is also similar, but a bit livelier, with a population browsing the streets.

City of Forth Worth Sign

Fort Worth Stockyards is a proper Texan cowboy town as I pictured in my mind.

Stockyards Horses

Of course, at the moment it is quite touristy, but at least it can be considered authentic.

Stockyards Bar

Here it is possible to see oxen, called Longhorns, with horns of spectacular beauty as well as cowboys wandering on their horses (all for tourists, I am sure).


Nevertheless, this is exactly how I would imagine a cowboy town to be.

Riding a longhorn

Horse rider by the railway

Beverly Dr., Hillside Park neighborhood in Dallas is an area of large wealthy estates. But the most eye-catching and memorable sight in Texas for me have been the highways.

Texas Plains

It is as if the entire state is knitted with roads and highways. Roads built over roads are like a science fiction film, reminiscent of another planet.


The Southfork Ranch in Murphy where the famous soap opera Dallas was filmed, as everywhere in Texas (probably because of the current season), is covered with dry yellow grass, and in fact is not worth a visit.

Dallas Farm

Most of the episodes (indoor scenes) were shot in a studio in Southern California.

Who shot JR?

Outdoor scenes were filmed in front of this farm house, which is actually quite small.

Dallas Family Tree

The current owners now redecorated the inside of the house, but in fact while the series were filmed, there was still a family living in here. The actual size of the house does not correspond at all to what appears on the screen. It is incredibly small.

Dallas House


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